About Jasmine

Work with a Personal Trainer who gets you! 

Welcome to ReddHott Fitness, where I bring a unique and dynamic approach to help you achieve your fitness goals. With a deep understanding of the challenges that come with regaining fitness after having children and entering perimenopause, I embarked on my own fitness journey. Just like many others, I wanted to become fitter and feel better in order to keep up with my family's active lifestyle.

Guided by a genuine passion for understanding and delivering individual fitness programs, I now have the privilege of teaching and guiding many people every month. Through online classes, group sessions, and personalised 1:1 training at my private studio, I am dedicated to helping you unlock your favourite fitness through fun.

At ReddHott Fitness, I am driven by the pursuit of high standards and excellence, having trained extensively with industry-leading educators. Their expertise has equipped me with the tools to debunk fitness myths and create exercise programs that are grounded in scientific research. When you choose to train with me, you can trust that our methods are rooted in the Most Advanced Yet Acceptable (MAYA) principles, incorporating the latest research tailored to your unique needs.

No matter your fitness aspirations - whether it's weight loss, muscle building, performance enhancement, or simply a desire to lead a more active lifestyle - our sessions are meticulously designed. While the journey may present challenges, you will discover within yourself the strength to rise to the occasion and continually strive for more.

My training style revolves around fostering the development of essential skills, building confidence, and optimising performance, all at a pace that suits your comfort level. To accommodate your specific needs and busy schedule, I offer a diverse range of training options, including personalized one-on-one sessions, small group training, and convenient online coaching sessions.

Book a discovery call today  - use my calendar to book your free call