Good grief, I've written a Blog. 

Approaches that don't work for my clients and I am quite chill about include:

Exercise for exercise sake - like burpees - when in life do you actually need to jump in the air, drop to the floor and do a squat thrust and then get back up again to do a star jump? Never. If you like jumping, thrusting and displacing vertically, we can do these but I can think of much better ways to enjoy exercise that are relevant to your life and goals. 

Beware of the Form Police- This is a "If I had a penny for every time someone comments on proper form on my content" situation. My form, your form, their form is just that - how we are comfortable performing a movement. Trying to make everyone perform a movement with the same form when our bodies are set up to handle movement differently doesn't guarantee success, prevention of injury or performance improvement. We are not Olympic weightlifters who have to adhere to strict rules about our form.

Worrying about things like Buttwinks - I spent many minutes of my precious scrolling time reading a post about this - but was wondering why they are considered bad things (see point about form above) and whether corrective exercise would be a worthwhile endeavour.  I concluded that we shouldn't over analyse which is difficult for me. We should just get on with enjoying the movement. 

I hope that I have assauged some common fears about moving your way. Stay tuned for more "approaches that don't work for my clients" and we are still successful posts. 

If you'd like to try a session that doesn't involve burpees, form police or buttwinks - book a free discovery call here.