Save time and Money with

Personal Trainer

Do you get better results with a Personal Trainer?

The short answer is:

Yes, and you should talk to us right at the beginning when you are thinking about your fitness options or have gone so far on your own and want to progress appropriately.  Perhaps you have had an injury in the past that's making you hesistant and holding you back from fitness.

The long answer is:

All the gyms in my town are offering free passes in a bid to get you in their doors and signing up for the next 12 months. If you were clever you could go months without paying for a gym membership...

This post came from a statistic I learned.  

50% of people who join a gym give up after only 3 months and never return. 

How much should you spend on a Personal Trainer?

On average that's around £600 a year that has been wasted in gym membership. Gyms will take you money and encourage you to come back, making out that it's your lack of willpower that is holding you back. I don't think that's fair or true. If you don't want to be there, you don't want to be there. There are other options, all is not lost. 

If you went to the gym faithfully once or more times a week and did your workout and progressively made it harder as you got better (how do you know you are getting better?), you would definitely see some progress.  

Is 1 month of Personal Training Enough? 

The first month of a 3 - 12 month programme is crucial for building familiarity, trust, skills and adapting the rest of the programme to improved performance in the areas you need to reach your goal. 

How do I do that? A rigorous programme of playing with exercises so we can find out what you like, what we need to improve and what's already good and working for you. Remember, if there's anything you hate, we don't have to do it. I know plenty about your body to be able to work the muscles I need without it getting weird. 

If you haven't heard my mantra before it's :

"Generic Fitness = Generic Fitness."

If in doubt about what, where, when or how much to do, seeing a specialist for advice is your next step. Ahem.

Unless you are lucky enough to have access to a Faster trainer at your gym then you will be following the standard level 2/3 programme. Consisting of a cardio based machine then a circuit of 5 or more machines for major muscle groups.  Your personal training costs will be on top of your gym membership. I've checked, and in Oxfordshire, you won't find a Faster trainer in your gym right now. 

We don't use machines in my private gym or online as we don't need to be wedded to any particular tool - you could give me a pineapple and we would be able to get a great workout, we might end up messy and covered in juice though. Out of season I might use a bag of potatoes but not tomatoes. Just a thought.

How soon will I see results and how many times a week should you see a Personal Trainer?

If you were to blow your year budget in 3 months on personal training with me for an hour once a week, you'd start to see real changes happening. 

One client remarked to me that someone noticed how firm her bum was - that wasn't part of our plan but we'll take it as great progress and something to be proud of, my client was certainly happy to have this feedback.

Is 30 minutes of Personal Training enough?

Yes, even 5 or 10 minutes is enough to start with. Sessions with me are normally 30 - 60 minutes and are adapted to your energy level, fitness and goals.  I know that you have a life that you need to go back to after you've left me.

What other things do you want to know about Personal Training? 

Drop me an email to start talking about your kind of Personal Training. 

There is a place for you with me but spaces book up fast.