Hormones or Hor - moans?

Here's what you need to know about hormonal weight gain in perimenopause and menopause. There is so much confusion, words like cortisol and insulin resistance are being toted as the main culprits however they are not the only reasons for menopause-related weight gain. Several factors contribute to this:

Hormonal changes: During menopause, hormonal fluctuations, specifically decreases in estrogen, can lead to changes in fat distribution. Fat tends to accumulate around the abdomen, which can be resistant to exercise-induced fat loss. Hormonal changes can also slow down metabolism, making it easier to gain weight.

Dietary habits: Menopausal women may experience changes in appetite and cravings, often for high-calorie, comfort foods. Without addressing these dietary changes, exercise alone may not be sufficient to counteract the calorie surplus.

Stress and sleep disturbances: Menopause can bring about increased stress and sleep disturbances, which can negatively impact weight management. Elevated stress levels can lead to cortisol release, which is associated with abdominal fat storage. Poor sleep quality can disrupt the body's hunger-regulating hormones, leading to overeating and weight gain.

Aging metabolism: As we age, our metabolism naturally slows down, making it harder to lose weight through exercise alone. The loss of muscle mass, which can occur with age, further contributes to a slower metabolism.

Genetics and body composition: Genetic factors and individual body composition play a significant role in how the body responds to exercise and weight management. Some people are naturally predisposed to gain weight more easily or have a harder time losing it.

Lifestyle factors: Lifestyle factors like sedentary behavior and excessive calorie intake can override the benefits of exercise. If exercise is not combined with a balanced diet and other healthy habits, it may not lead to significant weight loss.

Someone turn off the death march please!  Well if that wasn't a depressing list of factors, what is? I don't think menopause a problem but a life stage that just like puberty and pregnancy, can be educated, understood, normalised and medicated if necessary. It doesn't require any special workouts just understanding of the goal of the workout. 

At the time of writing this, I am nearly 48 and my body reflects my health and lifestyle. I am not supposed to look like an Instagram model as the world seems to expect. That's just too much pressure and hard work - simply to look like someone else expects me to look. It's bonkers. But we walk around with this expectation that we need to hide what's happening to us, when menopause can be the most freeing of times. No expectations!  I don't want to look like an Instagram model, I know what it would take to get there and maintain - it is not worth the journey. My family and friends wouldn't have to put up with a hangry mess, who is too tired from not eating and working out to be a real friend or family member. 

So that's not how I expect me to look and I'm not going to change my diet or lifestyle for someone else. My intrinic motivation for fitness is health and to be able to run around unhindered and as I please until I'm dead. 

So if you're looking to shed more than just a few pounds, how about society's weight of expectations for women? I will train you to feel awesome and productive. No diets, no hormone balancing workouts, no ice baths,  no sit ups, no supplements, just the right choices of exercises for how you like to feel. 

Book in with me for a consultation over a cuppa, let's discuss how we can clear your conscience as well as give you the right training for your goals.